Τρίτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2019



Task 1 – Sports vocabulary

Put the words in the box into the correct category below.  Can you add any more words?

athlete            ball                  bat                   club                court               field                goggles gym                 helmet            kit                    net                  pitch               players           pool racquet                       referee           ring                 rink                 saddle                        skis                spectator        squad             team               umpire            venue


Task 2 -  Create a mind map about Sports in England. 

Go to http://popplet.com/app/#/5142946  and choose two sports you are going to work on with your team (one already designed in popples by your teacher and another that you’ll have to design by yourselves). Find information about how each sport is played, what equipment is needed and what clothes the players wear. You can find relevant information from:

Task 3 – Discussion 

In small groups, discuss the following questions and write down your ideas on a google doc. 

Do you prefer watching or participating in sports?  Why?
Which sports do you do? 
How often do you do them?  Why do you like them?
Where do you do these sports?  What equipment do you need?
Which sports do you like to watch?
Why do you like them?
What people, places and equipment are involved?

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